Election Inspectors are appointed in December of each odd-numbered year and serve two-year terms. The Town appoints a total of 6 people: a Chief Election Inspector, a Deputy Chief Inspector, 3 Election Inspectors, plus one alternate.
Election Inspectors are critical in making sure our elections run smoothly. Duties include registering voters on election day, signing in electors, processing returned absentee ballots, and certifying election results.
This year, the Town of Cleveland in search of a new Chief Election Inspector and new Deputy Chief Inspector. These two positions require completion of the 3-hour Chief Inspector Baseline Training from the WEC prior to administering their first election (likely the 2024 February Primary). Three additional hours of WEC training are required during the remainder of the two-year term. Trainings are available online and occasionally in person.
If you would like to be considered to be an Election Inspector, Chief Inspector, or Deputy Chief Inspector for the upcoming term, please email the Town Clerk at ksorenson@townofcleveland.org. Please include your preferred method of contact (phone number, email, etc).
Thank you.